Workshop on Machine Learning

Bhargav Patel, *A Google ML facilitator * conducted a one day workshop on Machine Learning for final year students under * Google AI| ML program * He began the session explaining what is ML and it’s application areas. He also illustrated how to identify potential ML applicable areas.
He introduced online quick draw game. This would recognize the images drawn. He explained rule based and machine learning aspects and their key difference.
The students were briefed about the cocentric relation between Artificial intelligence Machine learning, Data Mining and Deep learning
The process of idea to implementation was supported with many examples. Concerns of Privacy and bias in ML were discussed. The final 90 minute session was highly participative and exploratory in terms of idea generation.
Neural network was introduced and the use of tensor flow playground was demonstrated to decide the number of iteration for identifying the pattern. The neural network model displayed how to build the neurons and construct a definite pattern. The model learns from basic feature first and then learns complex.
Over all, the beginners track made the students identify how would be a career and possible roles in ML.